Malignant Tumour - And Some Sick Parts Rotting Out There 1992-2002 - Importado
Short Symphonies About Pathology And Sickness 1992 - 1998
1-1 Medical Torture 0:54
1-2 Beer In Brain 0:28
1-3 Hypertrophia Mammae Virginalis 0:44
1-4 Atrophia Cerebri Senilis 0:17
1-5 Retinoblastom 0:34
1-6 Trichomycosis Palmellina 0:35
1-7 Osteodystrophia Fibrosa 0:17
1-8 Nanosomia Hypergenitalis [Instrumental] 1:21
1-9 Chemical And Bacterial Analysis Of Cadaver 1:11
1-10 Putrefaction Decomposition (In The Coffin) 1:32
1-11 Symphonies For Pathologist [Accoustic Instrumental] 1:15
1-12 Parasitical Cysts 0:24
1-13 Bilharziosis Of Urinary Tract 2:05
1-14 Regressive Metamorphosis In The Parenchyma 1:34
1-15 Encephalitis Purulenta 1:18
1-16 Process Of Fermentation 1:45
1-17 Mucormycosis Of Gastrointestinal Tract 1:31
1-18 Acute Rheumatic Fever 0:58
1-19 Situs Viscerum Inversus Totalis 0:28
1-20 Process Of Fermentation 1:40
1-21 Gonorrhoea 0:43
1-22 Intersticium Inflammatio Purulenta 1:21
1-23 Pathological Fracture [Live And Not Tuned In 1996] 1:25
1-24 Disease Of Oral Cavities 0:50
1-25 Fuck Off Nazi Bastards 0:24
1-26 Ingrowing Of The Alien Things In The Body 0:38
1-27 Necrosis 0:37
1-28 Hypermenorrhoea 0:25
1-29 Pathological Fracture 1:08
1-30 Endocarditis Streptococcia Acuta 0:52
1-31 Affection Of Outlet Urinary Ways 0:33
1-32 Lyssa 0:54
1-33 Grind Gut – Wrenching 0:16
1-34 Dysenteria Bacillaris 1:46
1-35 Lymphog Ranuloma Venerum 0:56
1-36 Chronical Myeloid Leukemia 0:38
1-37 Acute Haemorrhagical Necrosis Of Pancreas [Live Hometown 1997] 0:50
1-38 Epityphlitis 1:08
1-39 Subacute Endocarditis 1:07
1-40 Mors Praenatalis 0:52
1-41 Pemphigus Vulgaris 0:42
1-42 Diphteria 1:00
1-43 Idiopathic Colitis Ulcerosa 0:39
1-44 Embryopathia 0:44
1-45 Intravascular Diseminated Coagulate 0:46
1-46 Waterhouse - Friderichsen Syndrome 0:44
1-47 Herpes Labialis [Live Shitfest 1998] 0:46
Mincers And Grinders On Eastern And Western Front 1997 - 2002
2-1 Hypocritical Scene 2:07
2-2 Nature Warning / Human Extinction 0:50
2-3 This Filth Stinks 0:43
2-4 Government Shitheads 0:44
2-5 Hope Against The System 0:48
2-6 Mendacious Television 0:50
2-7 Killing For Profit 0:47
2-8 Rock Stars - Money Wars 1:46
2-9 Choice? 0:41
2-10 Films Kills 1:00
2-11 All Around The World 1:34
2-12 We're Missing A Liberty 1:20
2-13 Cartoon Violence 1:23
2-14 Instant Girls 1:15
2-15 Industrial Intelect 0:52
2-16 Animal As A Present 1:13
2-17 Fuck The NATO!!! 1:25
2-18 Grind Core God 1:09
2-19 Bad Core 1:30
2-20 Blast Of Euphory 2:38
2-21 Animal Abuse [Live@Brutal Assault 1998] 1:25
2-22 Puke In The Dust 0:41
2-23 Get To Attack 2:09
2-24 Man Made The End 0:51
2-25 Shops Of Cruelty 1:01
2-26 Mc Donaldization 1:19
2-27 Vote For Death 1:12
2-28 Salesman 1:15
2-29 What´s The Fucking Joke 0:42
2-30 Corporations Dominate To Earth 1:31
2-31 Enslavery Begins At Birth 0:32
2-32 Forever Dead [Live@Eurodusnie Squat 2001] 1:38
2-33 Build Bridges Not Walls 1:21
2-34 Fashion I Like 1:00
2-35 Plastic Existence 0:07
2-36 Up Your Fucking Arse !!! 0:56
2-37 Dawn Of A New Age 1:34
2-38 Nightmare Reality 1:06
2-39 Wounded 1:02
2-40 A Boring Drunken Sod 1:18
2-41 Aalio Ala Lyo Oolio Laikkyy 1:40
2-42 Destroy 1:29
2-43 Paskaa Systema 0:48
2-44 Punk To Punx 1:40
2-45 Wat Je Zegt Dat Ben Je Zelf 0:34
2-46 Stop The Mob 0:53
2-47 Katjusia 2:12
2-48 Up Your Fucking Arse [Live@Punk House 2002] 1:24
2-49 Voices In The Sky [Live Motörhead Cover 2002] 3:19
Conservação : EX (CAPA) - EX (CD)
N = Novo, nunca utilizado, apenas para materias lacrados
CN = Como Novo, material não lacrado, mas novo
EX = Exclente, pode haver pequenas marcas, nada significativo
B = Bom, audivel, mas recomendado apenas para coleção.
Attitude Headbanger's House